When everything all piles up together!

It’s been a while since I’ve posted, and that’s because life has caught me up and carried me away with all that has happened. Today marks the day that some of it slows down. This August some of my 2nd cousins were home for a celebration of life. Both of their parents died last year, but there weren’t funerals due to COVID. So, a whole bunch of family came home for this double celebration of life, and over a weekend my known family quadrupled! I got to meet cousins I didn’t know existed, and they are so awesome! It was quite an unexpected blessing. The big news is that Older Son got married this week! He and his lovely wife (who will be henceforth known here as Bonus Kid), got married in a lovely handfasting ceremony in the park, followed by a very nice celebration supper and party at a local venue. I’m so happy for the two of them, and so grateful Older Son has someone so amazing to share his life with. Along with the joy of the wedding came with the joy of having Younger Son home for two weeks. I just dropped him off at the airport, and I’m so sad. I can’t believe two weeks went by so quickly.
I look at this seat he just left empty, and I just feel like bawling. It’s not like he won’t be back. He’s shipping out to Japan in the spring and will be home to visit before he goes. Once he goes to Japan he will be gone for three years. I’m not sure how we’d ever afford to go there to visit, but that’s bridge I’ll cross when I get there. Oh but wait, there’s more! To top off all of the wedding festivities, I got a new job, and have been trying to transition into that one, and out of the old one. It’s been a trip trying to do that on top of Younger Son being home, and all of the wedding stuff. More about the new job later, because that is a whole story. And, I have a small part time job in my near future as well. So, to sum up, I’m exhausted, sad, excited, and happy, all at once. Did I mention I’m exhausted? Life has a way of piling things up together, so you just have to play whack-a-mole until everything gets accomplished. One step at a time. Here’s hoping this post finds you all well and happy! Blessings all!

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