Ka-bang, pow! Time for a new water heater…

Today and tomorrow I have off, and I am grateful. Tomorrow will be kind of a general house cleaning catch up day, but today is special. I’m getting a new water heater.

In the last year, my water heater has begun making these loud banging noises, and they’ve gotten progressively louder over time. The train is near my house, and when the trains bang together it’s a loud noise, but the water heater has started to be louder. And it’s started to leak water and minerals out of its over-flow valve. Sometimes the water isn’t so hot in the morning, either.  When I looked at the date on the inspection sticker from when it was installed, it said 1988. Definitely time to get a new water heater!

So, the poor old thing managed to hang on for another few weeks, and today my trusty plumber put it out of its misery. Now it lays by the side of the road waiting to be taking to its final resting place. For being 22 years old, it’s been a good one, but I’m looking forward to our new, quieter, more efficient water heater. I’m also looking forward to getting some of the cost of its replacement back on my taxes this spring.

Also, I’ve been meaning to spruce up my basement floor with some nice sealing paint that will make the floor easier to keep clean. Now that there won’t be any more construction in the utility area after this, I’m free to go ahead with that project. Lots and lots of stuff going on with the never-ending work-of-art-in-progress that is my home!

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